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  4. #The revenant free on amazon series#

Many topics are covered, and once again you get the feeling that you are a part of the action.

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#The revenant free on amazon series#

This particular volume is recited by Leader, a spirit residing in what we would call the Fifth Sphere, but which in this series is called the Tenth. This is the third volume of a five volume set received in the period 1913 on, and first published in 1920. Ministry of Heaven Volume 3 of Life Beyond the Veil by Rev George Vale Owen I offer a free pdf: The Highlands of Heaven, The Life Beyond the Veil.pdf He describes his own home, the inter-relation of the various spheres, creation of the species, the blindness of intellectual arrogance, many of the Temples and wonderful events of glorious thanksgiving, meeting his own guide for the first time, events at the Children’s home, and his own ascension to a higher sphere. This particular volume is recited by Zabdiel, a spirit residing in what we would call the Fifth Sphere, but which in this series is called the Tenth. This is the second volume of a five volume set received in the period 1913 on, and first published in 1920. Highlands of Heaven Volume 2 of Life Beyond the Veil by Rev George Vale Owen There are now print copies available in Amazon and Lulu, being both hard cover and soft cover.Īs an aside, we have heard from Rev George Vale Owen in 2020. I offer a free pdf: Lowlands of Heaven, The Life Beyond the Veil.pdf This particular volume has a large number of messages from his mother and describe her duties associated with helping people coming out of the hells. The facts conveyed are much the same as a great many other spirit communications, but it is this sense of being there that is different. This conveys their life in a way not found in any other source. In a way that is hard to describe, its almost as if you are accompanying each spirit as they go about their day. The content of these volumes is not quite as fact-packed as for example the works by Anthony Borgia, but they have a unique style. I have also added numerous footnotes, and a chapter on recommended reading which is similar in nature to this volume. I have added myself as editor because I have removed most of the archaic words and adjusted sentences that were not clear, as our language has changed over time.

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The second most important fact is how to become a Christ Spirit, but this series does not teach that. I value it because the spirits here acknowledge the existence of the Christ Spheres, which to my mind is probably the single most important fact one can learn about life after death. This is the first volume of a five volume set received in the period 1913 on, and first published in 1920. Lowlands of Heaven Volume 1 of Life Beyond the Veil by Rev George Vale Owen

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It can also be read on this site as a web page. There is also a pdf available: Getting The Hell Out of Here Rev8Īnd now an epub version: Getting the Hell out of here, epub This is now available in Amazon Kindle format. This is 46 pages on the Spirit Spheres, including the Hells and the Astral Plane. After many years of just offering a pdf I have finally produced a proper print book, and it is available at Lulu. This is a relatively short summary of what happens after death, and owes much to the books on this list. Getting the Hell out of here by Geoff Cutler

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Many books on life after death have also been reviewed on the message forum, along with others of a spiritual nature, but if they do not make it here, it means I did not think that they are “top drawer material.”

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The very first book listed here, I wrote, based on many of those listed, plus the Padgett material on this site. J.S.M Ward also traveled out of body, but in his case, that enabled him to obtain the information from other spirits who were tasked with telling their stories.

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There are however a few exceptions - “When Ghosts Speak” by Mary Ann Winkowski which is about her experiences with ghosts, and “My Travels in the Spirit World” by Caroline Larsen which was achieved in an out of body state by the author. Most of these books are channeled - in other words they are the words of someone who is “dead” delivered by a medium who is obviously a living mortal. Spiritual Books Books on Life After Death

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